Essential oils provide many natural benefits when used correctly. You'd be surprised to learn these 15 common oiling mistakes. And no worries, keep reading below for tips on how to avoid them too!
1. Sunbathing after using citrus essential oils. Tip: Avoid exposing area to direct sunlight for 12 hours by applying underneath clothing.
2. Using water if an essential oil feels tingly. Tip: Reach for fractionated coconut oil or whole fat milk since water may drive the oil in deeper.
3. Not storing essential oils properly. Tip: Store essential oils in dark wooden cases and keep the lids on to avoid evaporation and oxidation.
4. Assuming any Pinterest recipe can apply to dōTERRA® essential oils. Tip: Rely on reputable sources found on, Essential Life Book, or Modern Essentials app.
5. Using too much of an essential oil. Tip: Follow these ideal usage amounts every 4-6 hours!
6. Not applying essential oils frequently enough. Tip: A little bit more frequently is better than more drops at a time infrequently.
7. Mixing essential oils in the wrong order. Tip: When in doubt, layer essential oils by waiting 30 seconds between applications.
8. Wasting money or missing out on FREE products. Tip: Order through the Loyalty Rewards Program to get a 25% discount, earn the FREE bottle of the month with minimum purchase, receive shipping credits, and 10-30% in product credits for future orders!
9. Drinking out of plastic cups. Tip: Only drink out of glass or stainless steel if you add essential oils to your drinks.
10. Using citrus essential oils in cheap diffusers. Tip: Only use sturdy and reliable diffusers with 1-3 microns to avoid diffusers breaking down more quickly.
11. Using the wrong essential oils on pets. Tip: Refer to for a list of essential oils to avoid using and diffusing on pets.
12. Assuming all essential oil brands work the same. Tip: Stick with dōTERRA®. You'll use less drops for a more powerful effect which will save you time and money.
13. Not following a company's usage instructions. Tip: Refer to bottle warning labels and product information guides for dilution recommendations.
14. Buying essential oils off Amazon. Tip: Don't. It's against dōTERRA® policy to sell their products on Amazon. Be legal, safe, and buy direct.

15. Not using your essential oils. Tip: Contact the person that introduced you to essential oils or me, a Certified Aromatherapist, for a wellness consult plan. Oils can't help if you don't use them. Don't let them just sit in a closet somewhere. I can help you learn how to confidently and safely use your essential oils to support your goals. Reach out today to schedule a consult. Happy Oiling!
Looking to buy dōTERRA® essential oils? If you are not already working with another doTERRA Wellness Advocate, I would love to help you get started. You can order a set of oils through my wholesale ordering site HERE. Happy Oiling!

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