Muscles, hormones, tendons, cells, and almost every physiological system is pushed to the max during a marathon race. Essential oils are a natural alternative to support your body and mind before, during and after the race. Continue reading below for practical oiling tips for your next marathon or race.
Hydration - The week of your race it is critical to stay hydrated. Add a drop or two of citrus essential oils such as Lemon oil or Lime oil to your drinking water for enhanced flavor and antioxidant support. Be sure to only drink out of glass not plastic water bottles when adding essential oils to your drink. Fun Fact: 50 Lemons are used to distill a single 15ml bottle of oil. While you are only consuming 1/5th of a lemon by adding a drop to your water, the oil drop is potent and a great natural alternative for delicious flavored water. Yum!
Immunity Support - Are you traveling for your marathon? It's no surprise that airports are full of germs. When you arrive at your hotel room diffuse 1-2 drops of On Guard Protective Blend and Wild Orange to cleanse the air and support your immune system. On Guard supports the body's natural antioxidant defenses. It is an effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. Wild Orange will put you in a good mood and is very uplifting. Also, your Immune system will be compromised for about a week after your race so be sure to take doTERRA's PB Assist Probiotics too! Did you know 80% of your immune system resides in your gut? Make your digestive system a major focal point if you want to achieve optimal health!
Pre-Race Jitters - So, the race is coming up and you are beginning to feel those pre-race jitters. We've got you covered! Apply a drop of Balance Grounding Blend under your feet or on your wrist and diffuse a few drops of Lavender. This will help you feel relaxed and reduce those anxious feelings. Do this before bed too for a restful night's sleep!
Breathing - Breathe Respiratory Blend helps you maintain feelings of clear and easy breathing during a run. Keep a small sample size in your race pouch to rub under your nose when needed.
Sore Achy Muscles - Use the Aromatouch Massage Blend during a massage by applying to neck, shoulders, legs or feet. This blend helps to release tension where needed. You may also add a few drops to Epsom Salts and enjoy soaking in a bath. Deep Blue Soothing Blend is another highly sought after essential oil blend. It is a perfect soothing blend during and after a race because it provides a soothing sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas. It is the choice of oil blend for massage therapists and sports practitioners to target tired, stressed muscles.
The Deep Blue Rub packet and Breathe Essential Oil in my race pouch saved me during my marathon. They are useful for emergencies during the race! - Jen Mraz (AZ)
Sun Exposed Skin - Apply Lavender with coconut oil on your skin after being in the sun during race day! Lavender is known for it's soothing and skin rejuvenating properties.
Cooling Down the Body - The race is over but you may be feeling overheated. Make a Peppermint Spray Mist with a few drops in a glass spray bottle with water and mist on your face and behind the neck. Cools you right down. Major plus is that it may help reduce feelings of nausea, a common side effect when overheated.
Athlete's Foot - How are those feet? Apply Melaleuca and/or Arborvitae to toenails and bottoms of feet for healthy looking skin and nails.
Fatigue/Energy - Muscle soreness & fatigue is most common for about 2 weeks after a marathon. Diffuse peppermint when feeling fatigued or low on energy. You can also place a drop of Peppermint, Wild Orange, and Frankincense in the palm of your hand and inhale for a quick energizing pick me up. Another favorite is a supplement runners take called Mito2Max Energy & Stamina Complex. It decreases fatigue and improves endurance naturally!
Inflammation - Frankincense oil and Copaiba oil promote healthy joint mobility and function while providing soothing support throughout the entire body. Put two drops under your tongue daily. You may also apply these essential oils to the bottoms of feet to promote feelings of relaxation and balance mood too!
Adrenals - Apply Elevation oil over your adrenals for support since they are taxed during training. This essential oil also alleviates stress and uplifts mood.
Cellular Level Support - Runners damage the body on a cellular level repeatedly and need support repairing it. xEO Mega supports healthy joint function and body comfort. It also provides important nutrients for a healthy immune function.

When is your next race? Leave us a comment about your experiences using an essential oil for training, race day, or post marathon recovery. And if you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to my blog below. Happy Oiling!

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